I know that it is a time to rejoice as many of us have done very well compared to our SA1 results. However, we need to be in touch with our subjects and continue our learning process. Here are some links for you.....
- English - You will find Spelling games, Vocabulary and Grammar Games here!
- Maths - Revise topics such as Money and Time here!
- Science - Here are some topics that you will be exposed to when you are promoted to P3. It's never too early to learn and be informed!
I hope you will continue to be hardworking and keep your mind open. Be receptive to new knowledge presented and challenge yourself with the new insights received!!!
HAPPY LEARNING...............boys and girls.....................
It is fun to have English and math.
oH wONDROUS! THE GAMES ARE REALLY FUN! gOOD TO DECREASE iNcREdIBLy hIgH LEvElEd StReSs. tHe sCieNcE gAmEs wErE rEaLlY cHaLlEnGiNg fOr tHoSe wHoSe sCiEnCe sTaNdArD mAy nOt bE aS hIgH aS oThErS iN 2B. kEeP uP tHe gOoD wORk, 2B. wOrK hArDeR fOr YOUr aChEiVeMeNtS!
I think the games was very fun.Thank you for the games.I love you very much!
This game were really very fantatic .especially the science was very fun .today i still want to play.
The game is very fun and fantatic. Teacher can you some more science games that can make our blog more games and fantatic.I think our blog is just like a super 2b blog's.
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