Friday, September 26, 2008

Mooncake Festival

Here are some snapshots of 2B pupils and their parents who graced the occasion!

Eunos and Gary - The Martial Artists

Kaiwen & Lauraine in the Dance

Max, Gary, Lauraine, Felicia Peh & Cheryl in the Skit

Lantern Walk

My parents & my girls joining in the celebration

Izmir & his Brother Nurez

Lucky Winner - Yuyun

Our Girls Felicia Lim, Kewei & Rachel

Our Boys John, Chong jun & Mark
Kewei's Mum with the rest

Gary's Parents

Yunjing's Mum

Rachel's Mum & Felicia Peh's Mum

Mark and his family

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like all the dance and wushu because they are cool.I like the lantren walk because we get lanten walk a round.elin