Friday, May 23, 2008

Holiday Homework

Dear 2B,

Yippee! The holidays have finally arrived. Do have fun and have a well-deserved break. In addition to this, please do revise your work as we will begin lessons in Term 3. To keep all of you on your toes I have assigned some simple assignments for you to complete during your term break.

  • EDP Times English Newsletter - Do read this and complete the English Quiz attached.
  • Maths Quiz by Mr Tay
  • Maths Notebook - Keep a record of your expenditure and savings during the holidays as our next unit is MONEY
  • Read at least 10 books. Expose yourself to a wide range of fiction and non-fiction. Complete only 1 Book Review in your Journal Book. Our School Library will be open every Wednesdays ( 28/5, 4/6, 11/6 & 18/6 ) from 8.30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • EL Booklet - Pgs 10,11,14,15,26,27 only
  • Math Booklet - Pgs 26,27,30,31,32,33 only

So spend your time wisely and enjoy yourselves..... I will be updating some items in the blog as and when I can find time. See you after the holidays!!!!! Take care!!! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Mini Sports Day and Show and Tell

Dear 2B,

I will be updating our blog with photos of these 2 events soon. All of you did a great job last Friday during the Sports Meet. You have cheered and not jeered at your team. You have shown perseverence and compassion during the relays. Well done and i'm proud of you. So sorry that I was not able to join you guys and gals during the Prize Presentation as I had to rush off to my daughters' school to attend the Meet the Parent's session.


MOExcel Fest 2008

Hi all ...... Here is the website for you to log on to!!!

Click here

I do hope it will be useful to you...............

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Animal Art on PowerPoint

Sit back amd enjoy 2B's latest Art creations. They have really done a great job. Their skills have vastly improved and their ideas are getting more innovative and original. Well done, 2B...I am proud of you and your work.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Pupils' Performance in EDP SA1 2008

Here are some proud moments......

For English...we have Janice Low who has improved the most! She scored 23 more marks in SA1 compared to her CA1.

For Maths, it is Weilun Toh who has improved by 26 marks in his SA1!

Now it's time to reveal the top scorer for EL & Math......

Wanna guess???!!!!

Yap, it's our Cheryl Kho..she scored 100 marks for EL & 95 marks for Maths.......


Friday, May 9, 2008

Weeks 9 and 10....

Dear All,

Our exams are finally over......all the papers have been returned. Parents, pls take a look and sign them. All papers should be filed in their respective files. For English, the ORAL and COMPOSITION marks will not be revealed to the pupils and parents. Report bks will be issued in Week 10.

We will be starting with the 2B English and Maths Books over the next two weeks. So I appeal to the pupils to bring back their : -
  • My Pals English Textbk 2B
  • My Pals English Workbk 2B
  • My Pals Maths Textbk 2B
  • My Pals Maths Workbk 2B - Part 1
  • Spelling Ex Bk
  • Wordbank Ex Bk
  • Jotter Bk
  • Journal Ex Bk
  • Maths Ex Bk
  • English Red Files (2)
  • Maths Blue File

So we will be having lessons as usual guys and gals......Thank you v much......

Thursday, May 8, 2008

CIP - Selling Tickets for the Handicapped Association

Dear 2B and parents,

Today the class was issued 5 tickets each @ $2 per ticket. The pupils will be helping out to sell these tickets by the Handicapped Association. This is part of their CIP - Community Involvement Programme...

They have time till the end of the June holidays to sell these tickets. Pls collate the money. Each child will be required to return the booklets with the contributer's names and details and $10 after they have sold the booklets.

Keep the booklets safely and do not lose them.

Thank you for your support!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tips on Show & Tell

Endeavour Primary School
Tips for Show and Tell

Introduction : Walk up confidently to the front with your object

o Say “Good Morning” or
o Say your name & class

e.g. “My name is ………………………..”

Body of the Show and Tell

o Tell the audience which family member you are going to talk about (choose one family member to talk about).

e.g. “Today I’m going to talk about my baby sister. This is my baby sister” (look at the photograph of the baby sister)
e.g. “Today, I’m going to talk about my grandmother. This is my grandmother” (look at the photograph of your grandmother)

o Describe your family member (you can talk about how he/she looks, when he/she was born, what he/she likes to do, interesting things that have happened to them etc)

e.g. “My baby sister was born in the year…… Her birthday is on ……..
She has curly hair and soft baby skin …
She is wearing…..
She likes to ……

e.g. “My grandmother was born in the year……
She has ……….hair and ……….eyes
She looks after me ….
She is wearing….
She likes to ……

o Talk about why you like this family member and what is so special about him/her

e.g “My baby sister is special because…………..”
e.g. “I like my …………….. because……. “

o Add on anything else you wish to say about your family member


o Say, “Thank You”

e.g. “I have come to the end of my talk. Thank you for listening to me. I have enjoyed telling you about………………………

Presentation tips
o Speak in full sentences
o Look at the audience
o Speak clearly, loudly and confidently enough for everyone to hear
o Try to make the talk as interesting as possible and enjoy yourself
o Practise! Practise! Practise!

Tips for parents
The above is only a general guideline. The example assumes that the pupil will be talking about a family. Your child may modify this presentation depending on the object or topic. Your child can talk about ANY TOPIC. Do encourage your child if he/she wishes to expand upon the above or come up with his/her own sentences.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Show & Tell - Semester 1

We will have our Show and Tell as I had promised you after our exams on the 8th and 9th of May 2008....

Register Nos 1- 15 - 8/5/08
Register Nos 16-30 - 9/5/08

You may wish to speak on any topic and bring any safe item to school. You should speak for at least 1 minute and of course you can speak as long as 5 minutes as well. No restrictions. Do your best.

Thank you. We will upload your pictures of your SHOW & TELL perhaps next week.


SA1 - Make-up for Exam papers

Dear Parents and Pupils,

I am really worried. Many of you are falling sick during your exams........
Today - Elin, Kewei & Yuyun are absent....
Just to inform you that if you have missed a paper on the exam day, you are STILL allowed to do the paper the next day or the day after. The last day for a make-up paper will be on the 9th of May 2008 for EDP's SA1.
Please produce your MC upon your arrival to school after your absence.
Do take care of yourselves.
